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Newtown to Abermule Point to Point
AbermuleTrefor Pugh Memorial Race
Montgomery Showground, Lymore View, MontgomeryChocoholics 5k and Fun Run
Maldwyn Leisure Centre, Plantation Lane, Newtown, Powys SY16 1LHOpen to all. £10 for affiliated runners. £12 for unaffiliated.
Gregynog Trail Race and Fun Run
Gregynog Hall, Tregynon, Powys SY16 3PWOpen to all. £10 for affiliated runners. £12 for unaffiliated.
BBQ 5k and Fun Run
Latham Park, Newtown Football Club, Newtown, SY16 1ENOpen to all. £10 for affiliated runners. £12 for unaffiliated.
Trefor Pugh Memorial Race and Fun Run
Montgomery Showground, Lymore View, Montgomery£10 for affiliated runners. £12 for unaffiliated.