134th Wenlock Olympian Games

Much Wenlock

Athletics and 7-Mile Road Race: 26th September The athletics and 7-mile road race events will take place on Sunday 26th September. Further details and entry for the athletics events are […]

Mini Club Champs Race: Breidden Hills Race

Criggion Village Hall

https://merciafellrunners.org.uk/node/265 Registration Location: Criggion Village Hall, Criggion (GR 296149 on OS126) Race Organiser: Mercia - Dave Farrow Total ascent (metres): 690m Entry fee (£'s): £6 Category: AM Distance (km): 11km

Mini Club Champs Race: Oswestry 10k

Smithfield Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2EG

https://www.adrenalinesportingevents.co.uk/oswestry-10k-run-running-event/ The Oswestry 10k brings together an active community of people taking part in sporting events for reasons ranging from fitness, competition, charity, health, fun or to simply finish. The […]

Mini Club Champs Race: Mad Jacks 5

Attingham Park, Atcham, Shrewsbury

http://www.shrewsburyac.org.uk/our-races/mad-jacks-5/ This race is a joint venture between Shrewsbury AC and the National Trust. Now in its thirteenth year this race is set in the extensive grounds of the National […]