by Lizzie Cockle | Jun 7, 2020 | News
Circuits: It’s the circuit we’ve done plenty before:6 exercises, 30 seconds each with 10 seconds rest – 3 sets, three minute rest, 2 sets, three minute rest and finally 1 set. See if you can do the final exercise for 1 minute! Exercises:- Hand-release burpee(!)-...
by Lizzie Cockle | Jun 7, 2020 | News
Circuits: We’ll do this one as a matrix – starting with one exercise, and adding another each set, then dropping back down to one by the end. 10 x burpees (variation if you want e.g. press up, burpee turn, super burpee with high knees etc)10 x press up variation...
by Lizzie Cockle | Jun 7, 2020 | News
Circuits: A different format this week, and one of Mark’s favourites!This one is deceptively tough, so don’t over-do it 😓12 reps of each of the following: press-up, squat jump, sit-up, burpee (no press-up), followed by 20 lunge walks/lunges (you can alternate forward...
by Lizzie Cockle | Jun 7, 2020 | News
Circuits: 3 x 6, 2 x 6, 1 x 6 The same circuit we’ve done before with 3 sets of 6 exercises, then 2 sets, then 1. However, instead of 30 seconds on each, you’ll do 15 reps. The rest goes up slightly, to 15s between each. This week’s exercises are: Lunge jump (15 each...
by Lizzie Cockle | Jun 7, 2020 | News
Circuits: After last week’s easier core session, let’s step it up a notch and engage some big muscle groups! 20 steady reps of: Press upWide and narrow squat (10 of each)Killers (single straight leg to hand sit-up, 10 each leg)Floor to sky ‘snatch’ (with a weight if...
by Lizzie Cockle | Jun 7, 2020 | News
Circuits:It’s in the regular 3 lots of 6 exercises, then 2×6 and finishing with 1×6, 30 seconds on each with a 10 second rest between. 3 minute rest between sets.This week they’re all core 😆 Twisting crunchie/sit-up (elbow to oppsite knee)Oblique dip left...