Owen’s Training Ideas Week 14

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 14

Circuits Today - variations - from easier to harderThree versions of each exercise, increasing the difficulty to a level that you can sustain but makes you work!45s/15s, 40s/20s, 30s/30s work to rest period, so 3 minutes on each group of exercises, 29:30...

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 13

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 13

CircuitsSticking with your weekly routine of exercise will help you mentally and physically, and circuits are a great part of that. After the challenge of last week’s circuit, we’ll do something easier!6 exercises - 3 sets, 2 sets, 1 setSame as we’ve done before -...

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 12

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 12

Hey athletes, I hope you’re all okay, keeping well and staying focused through all this. It’s gone on longer than we imagined, but we still have the training content to keep you fit, strong and fast. - Owen Circuits 10 of the hardest exercise variations, all...

May Virtual Challenge Results

May Virtual Challenge Results

Results are in for the for the first month's Virtual Challenge! Remember the results are an age graded percentage as per the parkrun. Full results are available here, and top 3 places for each distance are below. 1K1. Deri McCluskey 81.69%2. Mackenzie McCourt 75.46%3....

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 11

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 11

Circuits: It’s the circuit we’ve done plenty before:6 exercises, 30 seconds each with 10 seconds rest - 3 sets, three minute rest, 2 sets, three minute rest and finally 1 set. See if you can do the final exercise for 1 minute! Exercises:- Hand-release burpee(!)-...

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 10

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 10

Circuits: We’ll do this one as a matrix - starting with one exercise, and adding another each set, then dropping back down to one by the end. 10 x burpees (variation if you want e.g. press up, burpee turn, super burpee with high knees etc)10 x press up variation (walk...

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 9

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 9

Circuits: A different format this week, and one of Mark’s favourites!This one is deceptively tough, so don’t over-do it 😓12 reps of each of the following: press-up, squat jump, sit-up, burpee (no press-up), followed by 20 lunge walks/lunges (you can alternate forward...

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 8

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 8

Circuits: 3 x 6, 2 x 6, 1 x 6 The same circuit we’ve done before with 3 sets of 6 exercises, then 2 sets, then 1. However, instead of 30 seconds on each, you’ll do 15 reps. The rest goes up slightly, to 15s between each. This week’s exercises are: Lunge jump (15 each...

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 7

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 7

Circuits: After last week’s easier core session, let’s step it up a notch and engage some big muscle groups! 20 steady reps of: Press upWide and narrow squat (10 of each)Killers (single straight leg to hand sit-up, 10 each leg)Floor to sky ‘snatch’ (with a weight if...

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 6

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 6

Circuits:It’s in the regular 3 lots of 6 exercises, then 2x6 and finishing with 1x6, 30 seconds on each with a 10 second rest between. 3 minute rest between sets.This week they’re all core 😆 Twisting crunchie/sit-up (elbow to oppsite knee)Oblique dip left side (we did...