Circuits: Mondays 6pm

Circuits: Mondays 6pm

Circuits are back! This Monday (27th July) circuits will be held on the main field at Newtown High School at 6pm. We’ll need you to confirm your attendance beforehand on Facebook, in the comments:
Juniors: Return to Coaching Update

Juniors: Return to Coaching Update

As you may be aware the Welsh Government have updated their Coronavirus guidelines to allow a maximum gathering of 30 people. This means we can start looking at getting some training sessions put in place. Our coaches held a virtual meeting last night and have started...
Owen’s Training Ideas Week 16

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 16

Circuits Tough week after circuits last week – still some aches a few days later! Back to our 3, 2, 1 circuit of 6 exercises, 30s on each followed by 10s rest (3 sets, 2 sets then a final single set). 3 minute rest between sets. All done in 30 minutes! The...
Covid-19 Club Update

Covid-19 Club Update

As a committee, we just want to reassure you that our club’s committee and coaches are working hard to plan a safe way back to training and competition for all our athletes after receiving the welcome news from the Welsh Government earlier today. The committee will be...
Owen’s Training Ideas Week 15

Owen’s Training Ideas Week 15

Circuits We’ve got a new circuit for you this week – it may be a challenge (it’s come from a senior elite group!) Squat-press (air squat then press-up) x15Clap press-up (be very careful! Or do a normal one) x10Crunch/elevated leg sit up x25Squat jump x15Tricep...