
We’ve got a new circuit for you this week – it may be a challenge (it’s come from a senior elite group!)

Squat-press (air squat then press-up) x15
Clap press-up (be very careful! Or do a normal one) x10
Crunch/elevated leg sit up x25
Squat jump x15
Tricep dips x15
V sit-up x15
Lunge jump x20
Glute bridge (lie flat on your back, push your hips up by bending your knees and going onto your toes) x20
Burpees (no press-up) x15
1 minute plank

3-5 minute recovery, no set rest between each exercise
3-4 sets (4 sets will be very tough!)

Speed endurance

This week is a classic pyramid – longer distance each rep with longer rests, then reducing back down.

Warm up – some active, faster drills and exercises to activate the muscles and get your heart rate up.

Session – starting with 100m, followed by a 1 min rest, followed by 200m/2min, 300m/3min, 400m/4min, 300m/3min, 200m/2min, 100m to finish.

Pace is at your comfortable 400m speed. That may range from 60s to 70s, so you can judge your split times based on that. Keep tall, don’t be tempted to plod or slow down as the distance increases!


After a beast session on Wednesday, we’re going to do some plyo work today.

Your warm up and drills should reflect this – short, sharp contact drills like high knees, a-skips, mini hops etc

A set of plyometric exercises useful for sprinters and jumpers. Contact should be quick, good body shape and form and not done to fatigue.
3 x mini-hop/ bunny-hop alternate (15 reps max)
3 x bound-runs (15-20m)
3 x tuck jumps (10-15 reps max)
3 x high skips (10-15 reps max)

You can do all three together or work through each one once and then repeat.

2-3 sets total (3 sets at a push – don’t over-do this one). Work on a firm, level surface.