It’s the circuit we’ve done plenty before:
6 exercises, 30 seconds each with 10 seconds rest – 3 sets, three minute rest, 2 sets, three minute rest and finally 1 set. See if you can do the final exercise for 1 minute!
– Hand-release burpee(!)
– Reverse plank alternating bringing hand to foot (balancing on the others)
– Split press up (one hand at chest height, one at head height, alternate)
– Squat jump (alternate fingertips to floor to make sure you’re dipping down enough)
– Plank to pike (straight body to 90 degrees and back, a bit like a walkout press-up)
– Regular sit-up (not too fast, don’t come right up to vertical and don’t relax when you lie back)
All are variations on what we’ve done before, perhaps a bit tougher. Let me know how you get on!
Speed and Speed Endurance:
Warm up (jog/run, drills, technical drills)
We’ll start with 6x30m flat out accelerations. Rolling start or drop-in. Lean in, drive with the arms, more inportant to cover ground quickly than pump your legs fast! Rest between each, 1-2 minutes.
Then we’ll do 4x300m, fast pace (surface permitting). 10 min rest between each. Focus on form, and try to sprint, not just canter! Be careful if you have to turn around.
Sprints: Starts or mobility
Warm up well – the weather is colder and this session can put more strain on your muscles as they’re firing hard.
The session is four start types (which we’ve done before).
– Rolling start (building up)
– Lean start (feet together)
– Three point (tripod)
– Drop in (skipping start)
Do three of each, followed by one four point (sprint) start at the end of the set.
2 sets only, with rest as you need it (full recovery shouldn’t take long).
20-25m run out only – this is the start/drive phase concentrating on projection and push-off.
If the weather is too bad for this session then aim to do a 1 hour stretching and mobility session. I gave an example stretch session on Facebook back in April.