
A different format this week, and one of Mark’s favourites!
This one is deceptively tough, so don’t over-do it 😓

12 reps of each of the following: press-up, squat jump, sit-up, burpee (no press-up), followed by 20 lunge walks/lunges (you can alternate forward and reverse lunges here).
Repeat for 12 sets total.

Rest is as you need it. Younger athletes should take 30 seconds or so between sets, and if necessary reduce the total number of sets (quality of reps is more important than quantity).

Speed Endurance:

Warm up as usual, 1-2 min jog plus a range of drills.

The main session is:
15s run, 15s rest, repeated for 4 runs, 3 rests. That’s one set.
The rest between set 1 and 2 is three minutes.
Rest between set 2 and 3 is six minutes.
Then the rest between sets 3 and 4 is three minutes again.
Fours sets total.


Warm-up (jog, drills, activation)
Rolling start into headwind (or uphill) then ~50m flat out. Drive for projection – covering ground with each stride and leaning into the resistance. Distance covered is more important than leg speed!
Walk back, 2 minute rest.
Repeat for 8-10 reps total.