After last week’s easier core session, let’s step it up a notch and engage some big muscle groups!
20 steady reps of:
- Press up
- Wide and narrow squat (10 of each)
- Killers (single straight leg to hand sit-up, 10 each leg)
- Floor to sky ‘snatch’ (with a weight if possible)
- Standing pistol (single leg) squat (10 each leg)
After each exercise, do 10 burpees. Then rest for 30 seconds.
Three sets total (4 if you dare) with a three minute rest between sets. Prolong the rest periods if your heart rate needs it!
Speed Endurance:
Warm up: jog and drills for 10 minutes (have a look back at previous sessions or ask for drill examples)
Main session: 250m sprint (or 35s, if you need a time instead), 400m pace. 5 minute rest between each, six reps total. Good smooth surface needed to trust your footing! Think about your form, keep the pace up!
If you don’t have a decent space to do this, now’s a good week to try a 5k run – as hard as this is for sprinters it’s worth doing occasionally! Warm up first, don’t get too ambitious on climbs! If you can’t judge the distance or have GPS, aim for running for roughly 25 minutes.
Power work – Jumps and Sprints:
Warm up and drills
Standing long jump (see Sian’s video on FB and IG). As many trials as you want. Let us know your performances!
Acceleration runs, stepped. 25m intervals of slow jog, steady jog, run and sprint for 100m total. 3 minute recovery. Really step up the pace on these, and kick for the sprint phase. 6 reps total. If your space is limited, perform a turn every 25m but be careful!