We are now able to run junior sessions on the track but to accommodate the Vaccination Centre, which is being held at Maldwyn Leisure Centre, we have had to compromise on our evenings and therefore the arrangements are as follows:-
1 Training is now on a Monday evening and not Wednesday.
Primary School (years 3-6) 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Older athletes 6.45pm to 8.00pm
There are no waiting lists or pre-registration, just turn up!
2 Circuits (for under 18s only at the moment) is now on a Wednesday evening 6-7pm at the High School playing field.
3 To comply with Covid restrictions we must follow the following rules
- Athletes are to be dropped off at the centre and collected at the end. If required one parent can stay with the athlete during training.
- Please ensure that you will not require the toilet during the training session as there are limited facilities available
- There is to be no sharing of drinks bottles etc.
- Athletes to come ready changed into sports clothing
- When asked social distancing must be adhered to.
- We have a lot of contact numbers but on your first evening back ensure that you bring a contact number with you for Test, Trace and Protect purposes.
- Any athlete not adhering to these rules or disregarding the safety of other athletes will be asked to leave.
3 Nightly subs will remain at £2
If you know of any friends who would be interested in joining the club then please bring them along, after the current lockdown we are not restricted to numbers.
If you have any queries then contact Dave Peters. We look forward to seeing you all again!