Tuesday Sessions are back…with a twist.

The track at the leisure centre is still closed, but we are going to trial a Tuesday evening “session” (e.g. efforts/intervals/hill repetitions) in the open spaces in town, lead by Lizzie.

This will be open to senior (18+) club members only, with a maximum group size of 12.

When: Every Tuesday (starting 4th August) 6pm-7pm
Where: Dolerw Park in Newtown (meet by the footbridge, in the park)
What: Warm-up, a different session each week, cool-down
Cost: Free
How to sign up: Comment on the weekly Facebook post (first come, first serve).

Please read and adhere to the following Covid-19 guidance:

Before Club Activity:
• Please do not attend a session if you or any of your household have confirmed Covid-19 symptoms, show any Covid-19 symptoms, been in close contact with any one with confirmed Covid-19 or have been advised to self-isolate for 14 days.
• Travel only with members of your own household.
• Wash your hands or use hand sanitiser
• Runners should pre-book their attendance via the weekly Facebook post
• Runners details will be kept for track and trace and only be forwarded to the relevant bodies if needed – Health Authority etc.
• Runners should be registered with Welsh Athletics and Members of the club for insurance purposes.
• Please wait in your car until the designated session start time
• Maintain 2 metres social distancing while walking to the meeting point.
• The run leader will have conducted a risk assessment prior to each session

During Club Activity:
• All activities will need to be carried out whilst practicing social distancing so be aware of members of the public and other group members
• We will aim to structure the session to minimise overtaking, but if overtaking is necessary, maintain a 2 metre distance between you and the runner you are overtaking
• Remember to maintain your distance from other runners when you have completed your effort
• A reminder that there is to be no physical contact between runners from different households at any time.
• Where possible, runners are encouraged not to sit down or touch equipment
• If a leader must carry out first aid, then they will use a mask and gloves. The runner being treated should also wear a mask.

After Club Activity:
• Following the conclusion of the training session, runners will be encouraged to leave the facility immediately to avoid gatherings in car parks / communal areas.
• Runners should wash their hands or use hand sanitiser as soon as practically feasible after the session.
• Runners should not share lifts apart from with individuals of the same household.

For full Welsh Athletics Guidance for a Return to Group Running, click here.