Sticking with your weekly routine of exercise will help you mentally and physically, and circuits are a great part of that. After the challenge of last week’s circuit, we’ll do something easier!
6 exercises – 3 sets, 2 sets, 1 set
Same as we’ve done before – each exercise for 30s with a 10s rest between. Three minute rest between sections. For a change, add a 1 min run before each 3 minute rest (and at the end). You can do this on the spot, or head out.
Wide-arm press-up (wide legs too if you want)
Side squat (lift knee in front before dropping to each side)
Burpee (no press-up)
Tricep dips with hip extension (lift your hips up each time)
Killers (single leg v sit-up alternating)
5 second squat hold (to 90 degrees at the knees)
Remember to do your 1 min run after 3 sets, 2 sets and the final set.
Speed endurance
Warm up with a 400m, ramping up after every 100m (roughly), finishing at speed. Then a selection of drills that work on form and activation.
Session: 200m with a gradual rolling start, working to high speed and concentrating on form – keeping tall, hips forward, driving for projection rather than fast turnover, strong arm drive.
4-5 min rest between reps.
6 reps total
Acceleration session
We’ve done this session before, as shown by Sam Gordon on Youtube:
3 x 20m rollover drive out (projection, rather than leg speed)
2 x overhead back throw
2 x forward throw
2 x bound forward throw
Football or light medicine ball will work for the throws.