Hey athletes, I hope you’re all okay, keeping well and staying focused through all this. It’s gone on longer than we imagined, but we still have the training content to keep you fit, strong and fast. – Owen


10 of the hardest exercise variations, all together!

5 to 10 sets of 10 of:
Walk-out press-ups
V sit-ups
Chest to floor burpees
Lunge jumps (each leg)
Get-ups (from standing, drop to your bum and roll back to your shoulders, then roll back and try to stand/jump)
Hand release press-ups
Narrow-wide squat (on the flat, no bench) 10 total
Oblique raises (side plank, drop hips down and lift back up. Arm raised to the side) 10 total
Wide-narrow squat thrust (alternate) 10 total
Single leg squats (pistols) 10 total

Work through each set at your pace, don’t rush! Only ten of each, so work on form.

1 minute rest (minimum) between each set.

Set a maximum work time appropriate to your age, and stop when you get there. For seniors that’s 1 hour (9-10 sets) for seniors, 45 minutes (7 sets) for U17, 40 minutes (6 sets) for U15, scaling down to 35 minutes for U13 (5 sets).


Slightly different for a Wednesday – hill work as we’ve done before, but with more of a short work and acceleration emphasis.

Warm up with a jog/run. Drills focusing on form – walking drills, snap-change, high knees, a-skip etc. Get your hamstrings and calfs working!

The session is 50m hill blasts, rolling in on a more level section then driving hard on the slope. As soon as your speed starts to tail off, stop, and walk back.

Recovery is tailored to you – you should feel ready to do each rep at full power. Typically 2-3 minutes should be sufficient, but you can have less if you want to keep the work rate up.

10-12 reps max.

Hill work helps to improve and reinforce the acceleration phase of a sprint. It’s useful to be videoed to see your form. It’s also great for fitness, but the speed tends to drop off quickly then!


Warm up as usual

Main session:
Turnaround 75-100m x 5
Two sets, with a 10 minute rest between
