It’s in the regular 3 lots of 6 exercises, then 2×6 and finishing with 1×6, 30 seconds on each with a 10 second rest between. 3 minute rest between sets.
This week they’re all core 😆
- Twisting crunchie/sit-up (elbow to oppsite knee)
- Oblique dip left side (we did these as ‘lateral dips’ last week, but it’s a side plank with a dip of the hips)
- Plank extension – on hands and knees to start, extend one arm and opposite leg, then bring them together so hand touches foot, repeat (right hand left leg)
- Oblique dip again (right side)
- Plank extension again (left hand right leg)
- Spider plank (arms and legs straight and spread, hold position)
Our core muscles can help us to be much better athletes, as they link our major movements and strengthening them can make you faster and more efficient.
Speed Endurance:
Warm up: 1 min jog
Drills: Fast feet, mini hops, walking crossovers, A-skip, B-skip, high knees, 1-2 high knee drive, mini-hop squat, high leg kicks, narrow-wide hops, heel flicks.
Main session:
100m to 400m, 400m to 100m
In time terms if you haven’t got a good gauge for the distance, aim for 15, 30, 45 and 60 seconds of running, and back down.
Rest is 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, and the same back down.
If you haven’t got an area to run on:
Drills as above
– Bodyweight work
– Squat hold (10s) – thighs to parallel
– Single leg squat (slow)
– Slow military press-up
– Squat jump (slow down, fast up)
– Pike press-up (slow)
– Side squat – one leg out to the side (slow)
Try to complete 10 of each. Rest between each and repeat for three sets total. Finish with a five minute run if possible.
Finally a session for us from Welsh Athletics! These will be familiar to those who went to the sprints development day, but the video gives all the info you need.
Follow the session below. A football or light medicine ball is fine.