Session 1: Circuits
This week it’s a 10×10 format. 10 of 10 exercises (‘each’ denotes do them on each leg), with 15s rest between them. When the 10 are complete, 1 minute run (on the spot if you want!) rest for three minutes, then repeat for three (edit: four for seniors!) sets total.
10 walk out press-ups
10 burpees
10 mountain climbers (each)
10 sit ups
10 lunges (each)
10 floor to sky (dumbell or weights)
10 squat thrusts
10 shoulder tap press-ups
10 side raises (like a side plank, but lift and drop the hips) (each)
10 squat jumps

Session 2: Hill Intervals
Choose your gradient – road or smooth grass. Nothing too steep!
Start with usual jog and drills – 10 minutes or so.
Roughly 100m distance needed for main session.
Fast uphill
Easy jog back downhill
Jog up (not too slow)
Jog back down
Fast up
Jog back down
That 600m or so is one set.
10 minute rest.
Repeat for three sets total.

If you don’t have access to an area like this to train:
Drills to warm up
Suicide runs:
Stations, 10m apart (you only need two actual station marks). You have the start, then stations 1 to 4. You run from the start to station 1 (10m) then back to the start. Then run from the start to station 2 (20m) and back to the start. Repeat all the way up to station 4 (40m) then repeat in reverse back down to station 1.

At each station, you do an exercise.
Set 1 – sit and clap
Set 2 – 5 sumo squats
Set 3 – 2 single leg squats each leg
Set 4 – 5 press ups
Set 5 – sit and clap
Rest for five minutes between each. These are tough, but will give you a good speed/fitness session in a small space!

Session 3: Sprints
Fast twitch speed work
You will need a paved area with no loose material to slip on, or a grass area which is smooth (like a football pitch). Road or pavement fine, but be careful! Needs to be level.

Let’s get our fast twitch muscle types working! You’ll need a good warm up first, jog and drills (10 minutes).

You’ll do three of each of the following starts, into a 30m sprint flat out:
Lean start (feet together, lean and go)
Drop-in (a single skipping action to the line then go)
Three-point start (one arm raised)
Four point (normal sprint start)

Keep low, try to drive forward as far and as hard as you can.

Repeat all for two sets total. Rest for around 1 minute between each (you should have recovered enough to do each one as hard as the last). Five minutes between sets.

As ever, be careful with your footing, surface and warm up. Enjoy!